
Steve Kirsch Substack COVID Newsletter Archive

Archive – Steve Kirsch’s newsletter (substack.com)

Top 25 (or so) Favorites:

  1. Why doctors aren’t speaking out – Steve Kirsch’s newsletter (substack.com) – 9/9/22
  2. Proof that Israel found serious safety problems with the COVID vaccines then deliberately covered it up (substack.com) – 9/2/22
  3. Clare Craig Exposes How Pfizer Twisted Their Clinical Trial Data for Young Children (rumble.com) – 6/17/22
  4. ABIM: “There shall be no public accountability on our decision to de-certify Dr. McCullough” (substack.com) – 6/22/22
  5. We now know why the CDC hasn’t found any safety signals in the VAERS system (substack.com) – 6/18/22 – they were not looking!
  6. Pfizer admits to fraud in court (rumble.com) – 6/15/22
  7. My speech at “Defeat the Mandates” march today (substack.com) – 1/23/22
  8. 100 questions they don’t want to answer (substack.com) – 1/23/22
  9. The differences in censorship methods used in US today vs. China (substack.com) 1/2/22
  10. How Google manipulated “Mass formation psychosis” search results after the Malone interview (substack.com) 1/2/22
  11. How Elsevier manipulates peer-reviewed science to match the narrative (substack.com) 1/2/22
    • The suppressed truth: myocarditis is caused by the vaccines, it isn’t rare, and it doesn’t just affect kids.
  12. Dr. Robert Malone hits it out of the park on Joe Rogan today (substack.com) 1/1/22
  13. New big data study of 145 countries show COVID vaccines makes things worse (cases and deaths) (substack.com) 1/9/22
  14. Bhakdi/Burkhardt pathology results show 93% of people who died after being vaccinated were killed by the vaccine (substack.com) 12/28/21
  15. New studies show that the COVID vaccines damage your immune system, likely permanently (substack.com) 12/24/21
  16. Very clear thinking from an RCMP officer who is now on unpaid leave (substack.com) – 1/11/22 – Global death rate from all causes remains steady at 0.76% for 2018 – 2019 – 2020.
  17. New ages 5- to 11-year-old CDC study: Proof of bozos at the CDC, NY Times (substack.com) 12/31/21
  18. How we can allow doctors to speak freely about what is really going on (substack.com) 12/30/21
    • An estimated 100X elevation in rate of myocarditis, but nobody will learn of it since cardiologists aren’t going to speak out for fear of retribution
  19. How the game is really played – Steve Kirsch’s newsletter (substack.com) 12/29/21
    • This is just my educated guess on what Fauci probably told world leaders about how to deal with the COVID pandemic. A lot of people have told me this is the best piece I’ve ever written.
  20. How to tell who is telling you the truth (substack.com) – Steve Kirsh, 8/22/22
  21. What really happened at Simpsonwood and why it matters today (substack.com) 12/27/21
  22. America’s doctors and nurses should be allowed to share their experiences without censorship or intimidation, right? (substack.com) 12/27/21
  23. How an experienced medical professional deals with evidence that goes against his belief system (substack.com) – 12/26/21
  24. NIH is still unsure whether fluvoxamine should be used to treat COVID (substack.com) 12/22/21
  25. How RFK Jr. went from “a good guy” to an “anti-vaxxer” (substack.com) 12/22/21
  26. Proof that the CDC, FDA, and NIH are corrupt and/or incompetent (substack.com) 12/21/21
  27. A peek inside my inbox – Steve Kirsch’s newsletter (substack.com) 12/19/21
  28. Twitter says ivermectin can’t work no matter how many studies say it does (substack.com) 12/18/21
  29. Pope Francis calls for widespread vaccination (substack.com) – 1/11/22
  30. How Wikipedia transformed Steve Kirsch into an evil person in just 4 days (substack.com) 12/17/21
  31. IQ drop of 22 points caused by our pandemic response (substack.com) 12/14/21
  32. Why are vaccinations required to attend school? (substack.com) – 9/7/22


Media attacks early treatment promoters

8/27/21 Press Release by AFLDS – MEDIA IN BIG PHARMA’S POCKET, ATTACKS PHYSICIANS WHO PROMOTE CHEAP, EFFECTIVE, EARLY TREATMENT OPTIONS FOR COVID-19 – America’s Frontline Doctors (americasfrontlinedoctors.org)

Key points:

Globally it is well known that early treatment works but this truth continues to be frantically suppressed by the dishonest American media… the mainstream media failed to report >300 studies showing early treatment works, including the American Journal of Medicine and the American Journal of Therapeutics and the treatment algorithm posted by Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. The Wall Street Journal did attempt to shame the FDA for trying to block people’s access to the Nobel Prize winning drug.

AFLDS has been maliciously attacked as part of an ongoing, orchestrated effort by media outlets who are making billions from Big Pharma and pandemic-related government advertising. The CDC’s own data debunks the government and pharmaceutical industry’s narrative that only vaccines can save us from from Covid-19. In fact, the CDC’s own numbers reveal the truth… even without treatment, the survival rate is 99.98% under age 50 and almost 95% over age 70. Both numbers approach 100% with early treatment.

The vaccines will not protect you from delta and future variants, and have serious side effects, including death (>13,000 in the CDC database VAERS). Doctors have always known that natural immunity is far superior (more robust, longer lasting) to vaccine immunity, and the data is now accumulating that the vaccines are failing with vaccinated people being 13x more likely than unvaccinated to be diagnosed and 27x more likely to become sick. The latest research portends great harm from the vaccines. A recent study of healthcare workers in Vietnam showed that the vaccinated group had 251x the viral load of the unvaccinated group. This is consistent with ADE (antibody dependent enhancement), about which AFLDS warned the world in November, 2020.

AFLDS continues to encourage the public to remain calm. The delta variant is very contagious but clinically milder than the original Wuhan variant. Covid-19 has a very high survivability rate and with an increased effort to protect physician independence and patient choice, we will save even more lives.